This controversial thriller by Dan Brown starts in Paris. You will retrace Robert Langdons and Sophie Neveus footsteps as they decipher clues hidden in Leonardo da Vincis masterpieces: starting from the Ritz Hotel, you will walk through the Tuileries Gardens to the Louvre Museum. With pre-purchased tickets and no waiting in line, you will visit the important pictures and rooms of the Louvre in the Grande Gallery. After visiting the Louvre, you will take a short metro ride to the Saint-Sulpice Church in the Latin Quarter, where dramatic parts of the story take place. You will see some of the Arago plaques, and the astronomical gnomen and the brass line inside Saint-Sulpice Church. A mystery tour in search of the Holy Grail, from the Ritz Hotel, through I.M. Peis Inverted Pyramid of the Louvre, to an old church in the heart of Paris! Shudder and enjoy! Please note, the tour will go ahead as planned regardless of the weather. The tour begins in front of the Hotel Ritz, in place Vendôme, Paris 1st arrondissement (nearest métro stations: Tuileries, Opéra, Madeleine or Concorde). We will give you full directions on how to find this meeting place if you need. A private minibus tour of da Vinci Code Paris is also available with your own personal guide.