Our ISO 9001 quality guidelines for tour guides.
All guides working for Paris International must read, sign and follow these guidelines.
Understand clients wishes: Paris International Tourism Manager speaks to the client or writes to him or her before the visit to understand his or her wishes. Each visit is different and we try to understand what the client requires from us.
Selection of a suitable guide: All our guides are fully qualified professionals: they may be licensed members of their professional organization or have achieved renown in the profession by practice and experience. They are carefully selected on the basis of qualifications, experience and reputation. Tourism Manager will select the best person for any particular mission, taking into account the clients wishes. If possible, the guide and client may speak on the telephone before the visit.
Clear written instructions to the guide: The selected guide will receive a written order form detailing the time, date, place, nature of visit, clients name and nationality. The guide will acknowledge receipt of this, ticking off each item to show it has been noted.
Prepare the visit: The guide must prepare each visit, taking into account the clients age, nationality and any special requests. Be sure to relate your visit to the country of origin of your client. Be sure to remember the name or names of all your clients before you arrive.
Check transport, check portable phone of chauffeur: The chauffeur will also be given your mobile phone. You must check that the car or minibus are at the right place at the right time.
Check restaurant, museum reservations, entrance tickets, etc: These will be sent to you with your order form. You must double check them and report that they are in order.
Punctual, smartly dressed, smiling: Our clients entrust us with their precious holiday time. You must arrive early, fresh, smartly dressed and smiling. Lateness will not be tolerated. You must be dressed in uniform or a smart suit. You must have smart shoes and your hair must be washed and well coiffed. Coat and tie obligatory for gentlemen. For important customers please bring a bouquet of flowers.
Personal service: You will naturally greet your clients warmly. You will have learned their names. And you will spend some time to discuss the plan for the day. Be sure to offer them exactly what they want to see, at their pace, taking them with you in your comments and descriptions. Do not lecture in a boring way. Encourage questions and participation. Finally, do give advice for the rest of their stay regarding restaurants, other places to visit, night life
After service report to Manager: After your visit, please send a brief report to the manager, including any expenses incurred or extra time spent.
Confidentiality and discretion: You must respect strictly the confidentiality of any information received from your clients. You must not discuss financial arrangements in any way or divulge your fees. You may not sell anything to clients. You may not give your personal card or details or try to do business directly with the client. You may not ask for a tip but may accept one if offered.
Complaints and disputes: In case of a complaint or dispute with a client a meeting will be held between the guide and the Manager. The complaint will be examined and the guide will be invited to offer an explanation. If the guide accepts the mistake he or she will write a letter of of explanation and apology to the client to resolve the matter. Paris International reserves the right to sanction severely any unprofessional conduct.
Review of these guidelines: These will be reviewed periodically in the light of experience. Suggestions and improvements are welcome.
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Paris International
65 rue Pascal,
75013 Paris
Phone: +33 (0)1 43 31 81 69
Fax: +33 (0)1 43 37 11 46
Send us e-mail at: info@paris-tours-guides.com
Member of the Office de Tourisme de Paris
Siret Licence number: 392 618 237 00011