New Year’s Festivities in Paris: 預訂表格

Please fill in the details for the tour you wish to purchase.

請把您的信息發送到我們安全的服務器,或者傳真到: +33 (0)1 43 37 11 46

Just  Days
to New Years

I would like to reserve and purchase…

These services are offered:
Price per adult:
*人數 (成年):
*Date and time you would like to reserve: 時間:
日: 月: 年:
*Required information
信用卡號碼: ---
月: , 年:
Card holder’s full
Billing Address:
省(州): 郵編: 國家:
我授權Paris International上面特別指出的服務從我的信用卡提款, 並且我已經讀過並同意你們的協議和條件(請看下面), 和特殊狀況,您的取消政策,如下
Cancellation Policy: In the event of client cancellation more than one week before the visit,
your payment will be refunded in full. In case of cancellation by the client less than one week
before the visit, the entire sum is due and no refund will be paid.
Please provide us with your e-mail address and/or fax number to which we may send your confirmation:
電話號碼: (包括國家和地區代碼)
傳真號碼: (包括國家和地區代碼)

請把您的信息發送到我們安全的服務器,或者傳真到: +33 (0)1 43 37 11 46

Return to the list of New Year’s Eve Gala Events


Cancellation Policy: This package is not refundable in case of cancellation by the client for any reason. We strongly advise you take out a trip cancellation insurance. We can give you the name of one or two good companies, who will cover you, no matter where you are resident in the world. If Paris International is forced to cancel the whole tour we will make a full refund with no further liability. If we are forced to change any part of the program or cancel any part of the program we will try to replace it and give you an equivalent service. If for example the river cruise is canceled for reasons beyond our control we will offer you a New Year gala in one of the other famous restaurants in our package above. No refund will be made if such an alternative is refused by the client.
  1. 導遊和交通工具的預定,需要您在適當的時候付款以確定您的服務要求。如果這項預定您還沒有最終付全款是不被確認的。
  2. 超出預定的小時和公里數有一個15分鐘的寬限的時間,如果您所預定的一次4小時的遊覽延長了1個小時, 那麼要在原有價格的上補充。
  3. 交通運輸是由准許運營的公共交通和運載的專業公司負責。巴黎國際作為一個中介的職能為客戶服務。
  1. 客戶取消: 如果客戶在1個星期之前取消服務的情況下, 您的付款除去總金額的5%支付銀行的劃賬手續費,其餘的將全額退還。如果在1個星期之內取消恕不退款。
  2. 巴黎國際因為任何一個原因而取消參觀, 我們將全額退款,退款將意味著解除雙方關係。巴黎國際不對可能由客戶導致的取消遊覽服務的任何附加費用負責:較為昂貴的遊覽項目費用, 延遲, 額外的住宿費用等等。
  3. In the event that Paris International must cancel a visit for any reason, we will fully refund the tour price and such refund shall constitute full settlement to our clients. Paris International is not responsible for any additional expenses that may be incurred by a client due to a canceled tour, e.g. purchase of more expensive tours, delays, additional lodging…
巴黎國際對任何事故, 偷竊或在參觀期間的損傷不負責。如果您有任何需要質詢的, 請e-mail跟我們聯繫。

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